
目前顯示的是 7月, 2023的文章

中國共產黨對蘇聯與東歐共黨集團垮台的解釋不是這些國家缺乏民主自由 而是鎮壓力度不夠

  【丁連財的英文學術型超複雜文法結構長難句破解示範】 【大幅提升英文閱讀與寫作能力必經的訓練過程】 ***121個英文字一句學術型超複雜文法結構長難句,說明中國共產黨與東南亞威權統治者,從 蘇聯與東歐共黨集團垮台學到的教訓,不是這些國家未能及早賦予人民民主與自由,而是鎮壓反叛者的力度不夠且太慢。 * ** 結構破解示範(Structure  Analysis)例句 The fall of Berlin Wall and the collapse of Communist regimes in East Europe in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 , heralding the triumph of free market values and political freedom required to ensure the smooth operation of capitalism, hiked up hopes for the blossoming of democracy in China and Southeast Asia , where there was a strong belief in the circles of both professors of political science and global policy makers that the authoritarian systems that lingered in Asia would soon disappeared, but the hopes vanished quite quickly  because the lesson the autocratic Asian leaders learned from the once iron-armed governments ousted from power was that they were too slow to suppress the people agitating against the rulers.  * ** 學術句子常用的高級文法 1 . 現在分詞片語代替一個主動式的關係子句, ...

言論自由受箝制與人民權利受壓迫 130個字一句學術形複雜文法結構長句話說明緬甸國家安全法

  【丁連財的英文學術型超複雜文法結構長難句破解示範】 【大幅提升英文閱讀與寫作能力必經的訓練過程】 附有●文法解析●參考翻譯●適合英檢中高級複試及格 以上/ 雅思閱讀7.0 以上/ 托福閱讀24以上 ***130個英文字一句學術型超複雜文法結構長難句,說明緬甸軍事執政團如何箝制自由並壓制公民權。 * ** 結構破解示範(Structure  Analysis)例句 Myanma ,  r uled by a military junta for decade,  stands out as the country in ASEAN that in recent years has mostly effectually muzzled the freedoms of speech and expression of the people  and blocked the rights to association and assembly of the political activists by citing some articles embedded in the National Security Law passed in 2021, which makes it legal for anyone to be detained just on a word of a military policeman without any criminal charge and for the government to impose curfews, declare martial law, and suspend all civil rights in any area, ostensibly as a means of combatting terrorism and foiling traitors' collusion with foreign elements, a pretext also frequently used by China, the largest Orwellian state, to round up or even...

我比你更敬虔 馬來西亞的伊斯蘭政治 173 個英文字一句學術型超複雜文法結構長難句

  【丁連財的英文學術型超複雜文法結構長難句破解示範】 【大幅提升英文閱讀與寫作能力必經的訓練過程】 附有●文法解析●參考翻譯●適合英檢中高級複試及格以上/雅思閱讀7.0以上/托福閱讀24以上 ***173個英文字一句學術型超複雜文法結構長難句,說明馬來西亞原先的多元主義和族群融合目標,如何遭到伊斯蘭宗教政治影響而退卻。 * ** 結構破解示範(Structure  Analysis)例句 To regain the political ground lost to the Islamic Party of Malaysia in the general and local elections, the ruling UMNO  ( the United Malays Nationalist Organization )  resorted to a "More Real Islam of Ours Than Yours" approach , claiming they themselves, including a big number of party members who had made  pilgrimages to Mecca,  were much more pious followers of Allah, and injected Islamic values  via their control over the machinery of government  into the bureaucracy , turning an easy-going way of practicing Islam in Malaysia into a battery of enforcement agencies that started hauling unmarried couples from their dating venues, whipping the young generation for their committing fornications, outlawing all the advertisements and commercial...