我比你更敬虔 馬來西亞的伊斯蘭政治 173 個英文字一句學術型超複雜文法結構長難句



***結構破解示範(Structure Analysis)例句

To regain the political ground lost to the Islamic Party of Malaysia in the general and local elections, the ruling UMNO the United Malays Nationalist Organization) resorted to a "More Real Islam of Ours Than Yours" approach, claiming they themselves, including a big number of party members who had made pilgrimages to Mecca, were much more pious followers of Allah, and injected Islamic values via their control over the machinery of government into the bureaucracy, turning an easy-going way of practicing Islam in Malaysia into a battery of enforcement agencies that started hauling unmarried couples from their dating venues, whipping the young generation for their committing fornications, outlawing all the advertisements and commercials featuring sexy models, and cracking down on Muslims who chose not to fast over Ramadan, a terrible scene which confused foreign tourists into wondering if they were staying in Saudi Arabia, a Muslim country that sticks to Wahhabism, an extremely fundamentalist sect advocating for returning to the governing model adopted by the Prophet Muhammad and fully implementing the Sharia laws.


1. 現在分詞片語代替一個主動式的關係子句;


3. 多個子句層層堆疊;

4. 以現在分詞和過去分詞樣貌呈現為形容詞使用; 




8. 常有對等連接詞連結兩個或三個主詞、主詞子句,受詞、受詞子句,動詞、動詞片語,形容詞、當形容詞用的關係子句,不定詞、動名詞、介係詞。


To regain the political ground 

lost to the Islamic Party of Malaysia 

in the general and local elections, 

the ruling UMNO the United Malays Nationalist Organization) resorted to a "More Real Islam of Ours Than Yours" approach

claiming they themselves, 

including a big number of party members 

who had made pilgrimages to Mecca, 

were much more pious followers of Allah, 

and injected Islamic values via their control over the machinery of government into the bureaucracy

turning an easy-going way of practicing Islam in Malaysia into a battery of enforcement agencies 

that started hauling unmarried couples from their dating venues, 

whipping the young generation for their committing fornications, 

outlawing all the advertisements and commercials 

featuring sexy models, 

and cracking down on Muslims 

who chose not to fast over Ramadan, 

a terrible scene 

which confused foreign tourists into wondering 

if they were staying in Saudi Arabia, 

a Muslim country 

that sticks to Wahhabism, 

an extremely fundamentalist sect 

advocating for returning to the governing model 

adopted by the Prophet Muhammad 

and fully implementing the Sharia laws.


1. To regain the political ground lost to the Islamic Party of Malaysia in the general and local elections, the ruling UMNO(the United Malays Nationalist Organization) resorted to a "More Real Islam of Ours Than Yours" approach and injected Islamic values via their control over the machinery of government into the bureaucracy.


2. The ruling UMNOthe United Malays Nationalist Organizationclaimed they themselves were much more pious followers of Allah.

3. They themselves included a big number of party members. 

4. The party members had made pilgrimages to Mecca.

5. The Islamic values turned an easy-going way of practicing Islam in Malaysia into a battery of enforcement agencies. 

6. The enforcement agencies started hauling unmarried couples from their dating venues. 

7. The enforcement agencies started whipping the young generation for their committing fornications.

8. The enforcement agencies started banning all the advertisements and commercials.

9. The advertisements and commercials featured sexy models.

10. And the enforcement agencies started cracking down on Muslims.

11. The Muslims chose not to fast over Ramadan.  

12. That was a terrible scene. 

13. The terrible scene confused foreign tourists into wondering if they were staying in Saudi Arabia.

14. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country. 

15. The Muslim country sticks to Wahhabism.

16. Wahhabism is an extremely fundamentalist sect. 

17. The sect advocats for returning to the governing model and fully implementing the Sharia laws.

18. The governing model had been adopted by the Prophet Muhammad. 

***長難句組合寫作練習(Composition,不要看例句,藉由譯文與文法將前述18 個短小句子組合回原來的長句)








To regain the political ground lost to the Islamic Party of Malaysia in the general and local elections, the ruling UMNO the United Malays Nationalist Organization) resorted to a "More Real Islam of Ours Than Yours" approach, claiming they themselves, including a big number of party members who had made pilgrimages to Mecca, were much more pious followers of Allah, and injected Islamic values via their control over the machinery of government into the bureaucracy, turning an easy-going way of practicing Islam in Malaysia into a battery of enforcement agencies that started hauling unmarried couples from their dating venues, whipping the young generation for their committing fornications, outlawing all the advertisements and commercials featuring sexy models, and cracking down on Muslims who chose not to fast over Ramadan, a terrible scene which confused foreign tourists into wondering if they were staying in Saudi Arabia, a Muslim country that sticks to Wahhabism, an extremely fundamentalist sect advocating for returning to the governing model adopted by the Prophet Muhammad and fully implementing the Sharia laws.






談翻譯基本概念以及如何判斷翻譯對錯 台灣有太多譯者連基本概念都沒有 難怪劣質譯本滿缸滿盆滿街

師大翻譯研究所博士搞出白癡翻譯錯譯亂譯+大出版社聯○合作出版品質爛劣譯作 提供改善之建議

劍橋和耶魯都被矇了 學歷崩盤 博士錯譯亂譯漏譯嚴重的爛劣譯本 從不要迷信博士到根本就不要相信博士

東方主義 中譯本鬧大笑話 六位博士碩士翻譯 三位大博士大學者大教授審閱校訂 一蹋糊塗


1. 政治學常識

別弄錯政治用語翻譯 丁連財15分鐘政治常識講義(關鍵詞附英文) 不需要就讀政治系或苦讀政治學

2. 不懂軍事者翻譯帶有軍事相關內容書籍的悲慘下場

軍事用語在台灣媒體與書籍常常胡亂翻譯 以《共產元年 1917》譯本為例

3. 不懂中國近現代史翻譯中國近現代史書籍的悲慘下場

愛丁堡大學翻譯研究碩士翻譯《滾出中國》 結果滾出了其程度不佳的真相 白癡翻譯大賽入圍

4. 不懂美國史翻譯美國史書籍的悲慘下場

哈佛吐血 中冊《 真理的史詩》(美國史)譯本錯譯亂譯一大堆 博士英文程度低劣而且知識根基薄弱

5. 不懂宗教者翻譯宗教書籍的悲慘下場

曠世奇爛譯本《人的宗教--人類偉大的宗教傳統》批判負五星級翻譯與審訂 另加書評書介 優質英文原著被惡搞

***為何必須學習學術型超複雜文法結構長難句的破解(閱讀 )與組合(寫作







4. 119個英文字一句話 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句 簡介梅爾吉勃遜並影評美國電影《勇士們》 ( We Were Soldiers )

摩爾門教 後期聖徒教會 63個英文字一句話 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句 介紹摩爾門教起緣。

1. 96個英文字一句話簡介北宋政經軍改革家王安石 丁連財示範破解英文學術型超複雜文法結構長難句