中國共產黨對蘇聯與東歐共黨集團垮台的解釋不是這些國家缺乏民主自由 而是鎮壓力度不夠



***結構破解示範(Structure Analysis)例句

The fall of Berlin Wall and the collapse of Communist regimes in East Europe in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, heralding the triumph of free market values and political freedom required to ensure the smooth operation of capitalism, hiked up hopes for the blossoming of democracy in China and Southeast Asia, where there was a strong belief in the circles of both professors of political science and global policy makers that the authoritarian systems that lingered in Asia would soon disappeared, but the hopes vanished quite quickly because the lesson the autocratic Asian leaders learned from the once iron-armed governments ousted from power was that they were too slow to suppress the people agitating against the rulers. 











The fall of Berlin Wall 

and the collapse of Communist regimes in East Europe 

in 1989 

and the dissolution of the Soviet Union 

in 1991

heralding the triumph of free market values and political freedom 

required to ensure the smooth operation of capitalism, 

hiked up hopes 

for the blossoming of democracy in China and Southeast Asia


there was a strong belief 

in the circles of both professors of political science and global policy makers 


the authoritarian systems 

that lingered in Asia would soon disappeared, 

but the hopes vanished quite quickly  

because the lesson 

the autocratic Asian leaders learned 

from the once iron-armed governments 

ousted from power


that they were too slow to suppress the people 

agitating against the rulers. 


1. The fall of Berlin Wall and the collapse of Communist regimes in East Europe in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 hiked up hopes for the blossoming of democracy in China and Southeast Asia. 


2.The fall of Berlin Wall and the collapse of Communist regimes in East Europe in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 heralded the triumph of free market values and political freedom.

3.Free market values and political freedom were required to ensure the smooth operation of capitalism. 

4 In China and Southeast Asia, there was a strong belief in the circles of both professors of political science and global policy makers. 

5.The strong belief was that the authoritarian systems would soon disappeared.

6.The authoritarian systems lingered in Asia.

7.But the hopes vanished quite quickly.

8.Because the lesson was that they were too slow to suppress the people.

9.The autocratic Asian leaders learned the lesson from the once iron-armed governments.

10.The once iron-armed governments were ousted from power

11.The people agitated against the rulers.









The fall of Berlin Wall and the collapse of Communist regimes in East Europe in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, heralding the triumph of free market values and political freedom required to ensure the smooth operation of capitalism, hiked up hopes for the blossoming of democracy in China and Southeast Asia, where there was a strong belief in the circles of both professors of political science and global policy makers that the authoritarian systems that lingered in Asia would soon disappeared, but the hopes vanished quite quickly because the lesson the autocratic Asian leaders learned from the once iron-armed governments being ousted was that they were too slow to suppress the people agitating against the rulers. 



極權(totalitarism)、硬式威權(hard authoritarianism)式威權(soft authoritarianism)民主(democracy),指涉統治體制,著眼在當政者與人民的權力關係。



絕對君主國(absolute monarchy立憲君主國(constitutional monarchy共和國(republic,指的是國家元首(head of state)的產生方式與權限。

總統presidential government)美國、菲律賓、印尼,國家元首(head of state)與政府首長(head of government同一人總統制/雙首長制semi-presidential government:法國、台灣、韓國,總統是國家元首,總理(行政院長)是政府首長,總統與總理的權限依該國憲法區分。議會制/內閣制parliamentary government):日本、馬來西亞、新加坡、印度、以色列、英國、荷蘭、挪威、瑞典、西班牙、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭),國家元首是虛位的天皇、國王、總統,掌握實權的是總理或首相總統制、總統制、議會指涉的是行政權與立法權不同關係運作模式下,政府形成與權力行使的制度。  



國會重選之後,回到相同的過程,取得立法權者 (國會席次過半的單一政黨或多黨聯盟)就取得行政權而執政總理與部會首長和國會議員都沒有確定任期 


美國:republic, federal, presidential, democracy

德國republic, federal, parliamentary, democracy

日本constitutional monarchy, unitary, parliamentary, democracy

法國republic, unitary, semi-presidential, democracy

台灣republic, unitary, semi-presidential, democracy

以色列republic, unitary, parliamentary, democracy

新加坡republic, unitary, parliamentary, authoritarianism



別弄錯政治用語翻譯 丁連財15分鐘政治常識講義(關鍵詞附英文) 不需要就讀政治系或苦讀政治學


軍事用語在台灣媒體與書籍常常胡亂翻譯 以《共產元年 1917》譯本為例


愛丁堡大學翻譯研究碩士翻譯《滾出中國》 結果滾出了其程度不佳的真相 白癡翻譯大賽入圍


哈佛吐血 中冊《 真理的史詩》(美國史)譯本錯譯亂譯一大堆 博士英文程度低劣而且知識根基薄弱


曠世奇爛譯本《人的宗教--人類偉大的宗教傳統》批判負五星級翻譯與審訂 另加書評書介 優質英文原著被惡搞





談翻譯基本概念以及如何判斷翻譯對錯 台灣有太多譯者連基本概念都沒有 難怪劣質譯本滿缸滿盆滿街

師大翻譯研究所博士搞出白癡翻譯錯譯亂譯+大出版社聯○合作出版品質爛劣譯作 提供改善之建議

劍橋和耶魯都被矇了 學歷崩盤 博士錯譯亂譯漏譯嚴重的爛劣譯本 從不要迷信博士到根本就不要相信博士

東方主義 中譯本鬧大笑話 六位博士碩士翻譯 三位大博士大學者大教授審閱校訂 一蹋糊塗






***丁連財著作《白癡翻譯》印刷紙本已售罄,有需求者請直接向書泉出版公司母公司五南第六編輯室黃副總編輯 反映,市場需求夠大,出版社才會考慮再刷再版。另外選擇是GooglePlay 尋找購買電子版



4. 119個英文字一句話 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句 簡介梅爾吉勃遜並影評美國電影《勇士們》 ( We Were Soldiers )

摩爾門教 後期聖徒教會 63個英文字一句話 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句 介紹摩爾門教起緣。

2. 51個英文字一句話的學術型超複雜文法結構長難句 說明二次世界大戰由登陸艇與登陸艦