3. 103個英文字一句話 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句 說明改革開放以來到新冠肺炎的中國財經治理問題


***103個英文字一句 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句 說明改革開放以來到新冠肺炎的中國財經治理問題

***各類高階英文與人文社科知識家教授課、企業授課、補習班授課和大學授課邀約,以及出版邀約,請用電郵 liencai.ding@msa.hinet.net或FB私訊聯絡。  

***高中學生要直接申請美英大學而希望托福與雅思考試高分者,家教授課(單人、二人、三人皆可):尤其適合。請用電郵 liencai.ding@msa.hinet.net或FB私訊聯絡。  

上課目的:英語文程度拉拔至少二到三個級數,達到雅思閱讀 8-8.5,雅思寫作8- 8.5;托福總分達到113以上,托福閱讀 29-30;英檢高級初試-複試及格,鍛鍊在國內外碩博士班學術閱讀寫作高強能力。

 ***103個英文字一句 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句 說明改革開放以來到新冠肺炎的中國財經治理問題

Chinese leaders, who disguise themselves as open-minded technocrats with a professional command at political stability and financial health, are anxiously looking to macroeconomic management measures aimed at making sure that socioeconomic development and foreign direct investment, starting from 1979 under the reign of Deng Xiaoping but interrupted and devastated by COVID-19 during 2020-2022, will have a soft-landing in the second half of 2023 to solve a mounting disparity between the poor and the rich, a problem inherited from the maladministration of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, and to dispel an economy recession, a monster that has caused an increasing amount of unemployed people.




1. 現在分詞片語代替一個主動式的關係子句;  

2. 過去分詞片語代替一個被動式的關係子句;  

3. 多個子句層層堆疊;  

4. 以現在分詞和過去分詞樣貌呈現為形容詞使用;   

5. 介係詞後常使用動名詞來帶出一個子句;  

6. 常有較長的同位語; 

7. 常有名詞子句當主結構的主詞或受詞;  

8. 常有對等連接詞連結兩個或三個主詞、主詞子句,受詞、受詞子句,動詞、動詞片語,形容詞、當形容詞用的關係子句,不定詞、動名詞、介係詞。

***結構破解示範 (Structure Analysis)例句

Chinese leaders, who disguise themselves as open-minded technocrats with a professional command at political stability and financial health, are anxiously looking to macroeconomic management measures aimed at making sure that socioeconomic development and foreign direct investment, starting from 1979 under the reign of Deng Xiaoping but interrupted and devastated by COVID-19 during 2020-2022, will have a soft-landing in the second half of 2023 to solve a mounting disparity between the poor and the rich, a problem inherited from the maladministration of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, and to dispel an economy recession, a monster that has caused an increasing amount of unemployed people.


Chinese leaders,

who disguise themselves as open-minded technocrats

with a professional command at political stability and financial health,

are anxiously looking to macroeconomic management measures

aimed at making sure

that socioeconomic development and foreign direct investment,

starting from 1979 under the reign of Deng Xiaoping

but interrupted and devastated by COVID-19 during 2020-2022,

will have a soft-landing in the second half of 2023

to solve a mounting disparity between the poor and the rich,

a problem

inherited from the maladministration of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao,

and to dispel an economy recession,

a monster

that has caused an increasing amount of unemployed people.


1. Chinese leaders are anxiously looking to macroeconomic management measures.  

僅9個字的這個短小句子是主結構 (主句)。不論整個句子多長多複雜,一定要先把主句找出來,如果找不出來就掛了,絕對讀不懂。

2.Chinese leaders disguise themselves as open-minded technocrats with a professional command at political stability and financial health.

3.The macroeconomic management measures are aimed at making sure something.

4.Something is that socioeconomic development and foreign direct investment will have a soft-landing in the second half of 2023.

5.Socioeconomic development and foreign direct investment started from 1979 under the reign of Deng Xiaoping.

6.But socioeconomic development and foreign direct investment were interrupted and devastated by COVID-19 during 2020-2022.

7.The purpose of the soft-landing is to solve a mounting disparity between the poor and the rich.

8.The mounting disparity between the poor and the rich is a problem.

9.The problem was inherited from the maladministration of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao.

10.And the purpose of the soft-landing is to dispel an economy recession.

11.The economy recession is a monster.

12.The monster has caused an increasing amount of unemployed people. 




1. macroeconomic management measures 依台灣用語的翻譯應是總體經濟的管理措施,但是在中國已有特定用語,就是宏觀調控。兩岸用語不同,macroeconomics 總體經濟(台灣)﹑宏觀經濟(中國), microeconomics個體經濟(台灣)﹑微觀經濟。

 2. soft-landing中國用語為軟著陸』,原指飛機降落平穩,中國用來指透過宏觀調控,過熱的經濟能夠穩健平順慢慢趨緩,而不致嚴重影響經濟,衍生大問題。如果調控不當,而致經濟冷卻過速,而產生問題,就是 hard-landing 『硬著陸』飛機慘摔。











***拙著《白癡翻譯》印刷紙本已售罄,有需求者請直接向書泉出版公司母公司五南第六編輯室黃副總編輯 chiefed6c@wunan.com.tw 反映,市場需求夠大,出版社才會考慮再刷再版。另外選擇是到 GooglePlay 尋找購買電子版。

***丁連財另有三本有關英文字彙的著作(書泉)與一本有關英文典故的著作 (書林)歡迎到網路書店以作者姓名搜尋。





學術期刊論文與學術書籍的閱讀能力高低,是評斷受過高等教育者 noosphere 厚實或薄弱的一項指標 。若寫作人文與社會學科論文時只有使用短小句子的能力,會被嘲笑只有中小學程度。

無法從一般英文閱讀一躍而至學術英文閱讀,中間有個過渡階段。閱讀英國《經濟學人週刊》(the Economist)各類文章,就是這個階段的最好訓練。





若以英國雅思而言,做學術研究的起碼程度是閱讀 8.5、寫作8.0-8.5。台灣人文與社會學科放洋留學者,只要有學校收,即使雅思只有6.0-6.5-7.0就去混碩博士了。




愛丁堡歷史博士(NTU歷史碩士留英)的英文程度與歷史知識不佳 混學位還亂譯錯譯英國通史書籍禍害讀者 

東方主義 中譯本鬧大笑話 博士碩士翻譯 大博士大學者大教授審閱校訂 一蹋糊塗  

沉默(優質深度歷史小說)的特爛中文譯本出自台灣權威的日本文學博士教授 書評書介與

劍橋和耶魯都被矇了 學歷崩盤 博士錯譯亂譯漏譯嚴重的爛劣譯本 從不要迷信博士到根本就不要相信博士 

NTNU 翻譯研究所博士+知名大出版社合作為何出版品質這麼爛的中譯本 提供改善之建議  

翻譯研究所博士班愚昧學生翻譯《愚政進行曲》 搞笑的愚蠢翻譯一缸子

譯者是博士班 美國CUNY聲譽被毀 譯者有關美國政府與政治 憲法與聯邦最高法院 外交與軍事知識底蘊不足

戰學歷高學歷之台灣博士白癡翻譯爭霸賽 天王天后入圍名單陸續更新




對泰國王權的批評 152 個英文字一句話 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句破解示範

中國共產黨對蘇聯與東歐共黨集團垮台的解釋不是這些國家缺乏民主自由 而是鎮壓力度不夠

中國如何剝削緬甸玉礦開採而賺翻天 中緬邊境開採玉礦 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句破解示範