中國如何剝削緬甸玉礦開採而賺翻天 中緬邊境開採玉礦 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句破解示範







3. 多個子句層層堆疊;






***結構破解示範(Structure Analysis)例句

The shabby hotel I stayed in was dominated by photographs of the vast open-cast mines situated around the nearby town of Hapkant in Kachin state where laborers toil under dangerous conditions, often at night, to mine the jade, which is then exported by Chinese companies operating through Myanmar or Kachin front men in a business that the UK-based NGO Global Witness estimated earned annual revenue exceeding $30 billion in 2014.


The shabby hotel 

I stayed in 

was dominated by photographs of the vast open-cast mines 

situated around the nearby town of Hapkant in Kachin state 

where laborers toil 

under dangerous conditions, 

often at night, 

to mine the jade, 

which is then exported by Chinese companies 

operating through Myanmar or Kachin front men 

in a business 


the UK-based NGO Global Witness estimated 

earned annual revenue

exceeding $30 billion in 2014.


1. The shabby hotel was dominated by photographs of the vast open-cast mines.

2. I stayed in the shabby hotel.

3. The mines are situated around the nearby town of Hapkant in Kachin state. 

4. In the mine Laborers toil under dangerous conditions, often at night, to mine the jade.

5. The jade is then exported by Chinese companies. 

6. Chinese companies operate through Myanmar or Kachin front men in a business.

9. A UK-based NGO Global Witness estimated the business.

10. The business earned annual revenue. 

11.The revenue exceeded $30 billion in 2014.


The shabby hotel I stayed in was dominated by photographs of the vast open-cast mines situated around the nearby town of Hapkant in Kachin state where laborers toil under dangerous conditions, often at night, to mine the jade, which is then exported by Chinese companies operating through Myanmar or Kachin front men in a business that the UK-based NGO Global Witness estimated earned annual revenue exceeding $30 billion in 2014.

我待的破舊旅館貼滿了鄰近位於克欽邦怕坎特巨大露天開採的礦場的照片,工人經常在晚上處於危險工作條件下賣力採玉。中國公司透過與緬甸或克欽邦頭面人物合作而把玉石出口(到中國) ,位於英國的非政府組織『國際見證』估計,這一樁生意在2014年一年賺取超過300億美元的營收。



對泰國王權的批評 152 個英文字一句話 學術型超複雜文法結構長難句破解示範

中國共產黨對蘇聯與東歐共黨集團垮台的解釋不是這些國家缺乏民主自由 而是鎮壓力度不夠